How it all started...
Friday night January 8th, 1965 a prayer group of 26 men and women sought God’s guidance for their Christian lives and how they could serve The Savior. This small band of believers met on Sunday night, January 10th, 1965 in the home of Cleo and Etoyal Steed; the
beginning of Gospel Baptist Mission. Brother Franklin "Buddy" Fox served the group as lay minister until the church was organized on March 21, 1965 with 51 members and Rev. A.F. Blackburn was called as pastor. The name was changed to "Gospel Baptist". After a few months of meeting their home the Lord opened the way for the church to purchase some land on Highway 311. The land was purchased, cleared, and a tent was raised.

Expanding the vision...
We believe that we should not forsake the assembling together of the church family to worship God in spirit and truth. We also believe in providing an environment that promotes both worship and spiritual growth. We strive to provide this environment in worship services through a blend of traditional and contemporary worship styles as well as small group Bible study and ministry teams.
Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together for Sunday School at 9:45 am, 10:45 am Worship service and 6:00 PM Evening Worship.